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Premier Floats Locslide Straight Float

Premier Floats
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From £2.08

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Product Overview

  • Great for casting into the wind these wagglers make life easier as their smaller diameter gives less resistance. Great for fishing slow rivers and still waters that are deep.
  • These self lockers can be fished at any depth in still or very slow moving waters.
  • They come with full instructions for use. It’s a well tried and tested method.
  • Sizes: No1, No 2 & No3.
  • Very similar to the legendary Polaris range.


  1. Thread onto the main line via the locking device (neat loc) at the base of float.
  2. Now attach a no.6 shot (or leger stop) to the main line.
  3. Finally, attach a bomb or feeder as normal ensuring that the no.6 shot (or leger stop) is approximately 2ft(60cm) above the bomb/feeder weight.
  4. Allow the float to slide down to the no.6 shot (or leger stop).Bait up and now you are ready to cast to your chosen area.
  5. When the feeder/bomb reaches the bottom allow the line to remain slack, until the float slides to the surface.
  6. With the rod tip just under the surface, set the float by winding forward.
  7. Place the rod in a rest and adjust the amount of float tip showing by use of the reel. Backwind slightly to show more tip. Wind forward to make the float tip sit lower in the water.
  8. When retrieving from deeper water simply wind through the ’neat loc ’ to land your fish. Now repeat the process from 4.
  9. Bites are positive, the float will either slide under, or rise up out of the water. Whatever happens strike and the fish will be on.

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