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ESP Floater Rod MK-2 2.50lb

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RRP | £83.29

£83.29 £83.29 £83.29

Product Overview

ESP Floater Rod MK-2 12ft 2 1/2lb t.c

  • Lightweight and beautifully balanced, this rod is perfect for stalking surface feeeding carp. its soft tip and through action makes an excellent shock absorber allowing light hook links to be used and the powerful lunges of hard fighting fish to be absorbed.
  • The extra reserves of power in the butt section can be brought into play to help control bigger fish and prevent them reaching snags. - The rod will handle everything from the smallest controllers right up to 50g models for distance casting. - Other features include full sic guides, fuji dps 18 reel seat, full length duplon handle and a keeper ring which is ideal when using really long hook links.


  • Full SiC guides
  • Fuji DPS 18 Reel Seat
  • Full Length Duplon Handle
  • Keeper Ring


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Overall Rating
MARK HOLMES has been using Kryston's Mantis Dark for quite some time and believes that it's ideal for fishing over silt. Mention braided, coated hook links and I immediately think of Kryston. The founders of the modern diverse selection of hook links must surely reach a stage when it can't keep coming up with innovative ideas. Well nobody has told Dave Chilton, the brains behind the company, because once again he has come up with a gem. As soon as I saw the Mantis Dark I knew that it was a winner. Strangely enough, Dave told me that the development had taken a while because he wanted to ensure that the braid was dark enough. The concept of the braid is to blend in perfectly with silt. It seems to me that the concept of camoufl age is often misunderstood by a lot of anglers. Camouflage is something that blends into its surroundings. To extend it further, many braids designed to be fi shed in silt have one colour. However, if you see silt under the water it is far from being one colour. This is where the Mantis Dark is a sure-fi re winner. It is made up of two different colours. This prevents the line from appearing as one continuous object. We have all seen the top anglers using marker pens on rig tubing; well this is very much the same concept. I recently stated that 99 percent of carp anglers use coated braid and strip back the last three or four inches. This is definitely the case and that is why the Kryston stable of hook links meet all the requirements for today's carp angler. Mantis Dark is ideally suited for silt and in other cases, Silkworm, Mantis, Snake-Skin or Snake-Bite meet all other requirements. On a personal level, I use the Mantis Dark almost like a combilink and strip the coating halfway back down the hook link. I always peel the coating off the Mantis Dark before I tie the hook link. I do not like the concentrated ball of coating that collects when you strip it back on a tied rig. This is a minor point and it may be me just being finicky. Without doubt, this product will help you to fool carp into taking your bait. Review by Advanced Carp Fishing.
By Tackleuk Admin - - 22nd Jan 2009
Overall Rating
The slurp of a carp sucking in a dog biscuit will reveal that it's time to get the floater rod out. We look at a gem of a surface rod from ESP… Carp will now be cruising along the surface feeding on fly hatches and any other morsels of floating food. Consequently, many anglers reach for their floater gear, which is often an afterthought. I don't understand why anglers settle for second-rate surface gear when they can enjoy, and catch, so much more with the dedicated tackle. Why use a 3lb or higher-test-curve rod when surface fishing? When using such dainty hooklengths and hooks you need a soft, playing rod that will cushion every lunge that a carp makes when at close quarters. If it doesn't, you will lose them to either hook-pulls or hooklength breakages. ESP has now developed a dedicated floater rod. It's 12 feet long and features a 2.5lb test curve. This may still sound a little on the heavy side but, trust me, when you play a fish you'll be in dreamland. It features a very soft, through-action tip to enjoy every last-minute dive that a carp makes. However, this is coupled with a strong middle that allows you to slow down powerful runs or to steer a fish clear of weed. Other luxuries of this neat design include full SiC guides, a Fuji DPS reel seat and a full-Duplon handle. There's also a cool little hook keeper. This is designed so that you can nick your hook point through it when moving to the next swim, keeping it out the way of any bankside obstacles. Add all of its qualities to a very reasonable price and you have one heck of a floater rod that will stand the test of time. Review by Advanced Carp Fishing.
By Tackleuk Admin - - 22nd Jan 2009


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